

This singular buildable unit is representative of the entire memorial program, and through its aggregation and assembly a memorial can become localized and site specific.

Phoenix Block

The phoenix block aspires to be iconic and distinctive, to carry forward the intent of the memorial program and to commemorate loss across scales of installations and commemorations. The block concept is a tectonic building unit which allows for flexibility for a variety of horizontal and vertical configurations and to expand installations over time.


Adaptive Installations

Installations can adapt to varied global and local sites from the most urban to rural settings, each representing unique impacts of loss and can respond to the myriad of cultural and religious heritages or beliefs. World Phoenix memorials can adjust to diverse geological and environmental conditions allowing for versatility in the scale and configuration of any installation. 


Regional Fabrication

Each structural block is dimensional and can be formed in various materials from lightweight concrete to wood to glass to resin, with inlays of contrasting materials such as bronze or brass and incised with commemorative text.  The expectation is that block materials are locally sourced to support a regional context, to limit the carbon footprint of transportation, and to support local fabricators while growing community participation. 


