Kuth Ranieri Architects have a long-standing focus on civic memorials. Designing for the civic memorials satisfies the desire to say the unspeakable—and, in the spirit of Louis Kahn, to freely express the unmeasurable qualities of architecture. Throughout the years, the firm has designed several plans for memorials, including but not limited to the AIDS Memorial Grove (San Francisco), Clover (Santa Rosa), and The Harvey Milk Memorial Plaza (San Francisco).
| American Academy Rome 9 July 2023
In March of 2023, Liz and Byron had the opportunity to expand their interest in memorial design at the American Academy in Rome. During their time at the Academy, Liz and Byon researched a wide array of Italian memorial and funerary sites, a venture that eventually lead to the birth of the World Phoenix Project.
| Our Studio Space July 10 2023
| Aldo Rossi Cemetery / The San Cataldo
Cemetery, Modena 1970s |
Aldo Rossi; Gianni Braghieri
| Protestant Cemetary, Rome 19th Century | Giuseppe Valadier; Virginio Vespignani
| Altivoli, 1978 |Carlo Scarpa
| Altivoli, 1978 |Carlo ScarpaAlAltivo
| Certosa Di Bologna (Cimitero Monumentale della Certosa di Bologna), Bologna, Foundation dates back to the 15th centry, but offically opened in 1801 | Ercole Gasparini
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The World Phoenix Project is a scalable memorial to symbolize hope and resilience in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Interested in creating your own? Contact our team to learn more.